Nigel Farage was in Edinburgh yesterday, and had to have the polis ask McDonalds not to sell milkshakes. Milkshakes have become the new weapon of choice against the pretensions of...
A slightly belated upload of Friday’s Wee Ginger Dugcast as I have only just got home from doing a talk for the local SNP branch in Alyth. A big thank...
Cheer up. Yes, it’s all a complete mess. Yes, the UK is going to hell in a handbasket. Yes, the Labour and Conservative parties are so consumed by their short...
Long long ago, back in the distant days of 2014 when Labour dinosaurs still stalked the Earth, or at least stalked Central Scotland, we were told that Scotland needed to...
Elaine C Smith, Paul Kavanagh, and Ginger the Wee Ginger Dug himself in The National’s office in Glasgow. Welcome to the 10 May edition of the Wee Ginger Dugcast where...
There’s been a lot of justified anger this week. Partly it’s a symptom of an SNP leadership which many feel is at risk of becoming out of touch, managerial, and...
It’s been a long standing policy of this blog that I don’t criticise other independence supporters. That doesn’t necessarily mean that I agree with them. I frequently disagree with the...
If we’re going to talk about bad behaviour and abusive and threatening language in online discourse, and what to do about it, we need to do it properly. That means...
Here we go again. More rank double standards from the Scottish media. I don’t listen to BBC Scotland at the best of times, and certainly not in the mornings, and...
On Friday we got the results of Thursday’s local elections in England and Northern Ireland, or more accurately, in Northern Ireland and in parts of England. Even so it was...