The Tories talk a lot about how Brexit means taking back control. Except for viewers in Scotland. For Scotland Brexit does also mean taking back control, it’s just that the...
Back before the independence referendum, Ruth Davidson told us that a vote to remain a part of the UK was a vote to strengthen and entrench devolution. Aye. Right. As...
On Monday evening I went to an event hosted by Paisley Women for Independence. For once I wasn’t speaking, instead I went along to listen to Mark McNaught talk about...
A guest post by Samuel Miller It can seem, some days, that it’s a pretty grim old world out there for Scotland’s indy movement. An uncaring and intimidating central government...
A guest post by Samuel Miller Stop me if you’ve heard this one before (No, don’t!). Seems Labour doesn’t have its troubles to seek Brexitwise these days. It appears Mr...
A guest post by Samuel Miller Been quite the weekend on the news front readers, but we’ll get to that real news in a moment. Also? Briefly on another tangent...