Back from Islay now, where the dug and I had a fantastic time participating in The National Roadshow’s event at the Islay Show. Many thanks to the wonderful hospitality that...
Remember 2014? All we heard from the chorus of British politicians and the media was “What’s your plan B?” That was just about the currency of an independent Scotland, because...
All the way through the campaign we were assured that leaving the EU didn’t necessarily mean leaving the customs union or the single market. The Brexit vote was won for...
It transpires that David Mundell’s own reelection campaign was a recipient of the dark money donated to the Scottish Conservatives by secret donors. His election victory was bought on the...
Shut up. Wheesht. Don’t dare imagine that you can voice your views. You’re a vile nationalist, a supporter of independence, and that means you’re the same as an English gassing...
A report has just been published by the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House of Commons. The House of Commons report was written by anti-independence MPs, largely...
I had planned to publish this piece yesterday, but the BBC shutdown of Wings Over Scotland’s and Moridura’s YouTube Channels was too important not to blog about immediately. Quite incredibly,...
The BBC doesn’t exactly have a great reputation in Scotland for fairness and a lack of bias. Trust in the Corporation in Scotland is low, and you’ll be more likely...
Well that didn’t last long did it. A deal which it took members of the Conservative cabinet two years to strike was trashed by the EU in as many weeks....