I’m not going to criticise Ruth Davidson for speaking publicly about her struggles with mental health issues when she was younger. There was, and is, a veritable epidemic of mental...
There’s a belief amongst sections of the independence movement that after Brexit happens Scotland will lose its ability to hold an independence referendum and so we need to hold an...
Edinburgh Yes Hub is a community Hub in the spirit of the Yes movement started during the Scottish referendum of 2014. It is non-partisan group of volunteers who seek real...
Sometimes you can’t help but feel sorry for the Lib Dems. There they are, devoting themselves to a career in politics only to discover that they are less relevant than...
Never mind a screening of Braveheart, which in the cosmic scheme of things is as important as the crumb content of David Mundell’s beard, there’s stuff happening which really matters....
I try very hard to keep out of disputes between independence supporters. They’re unproductive, all too often puerile, and only serve to benefit opponents of independence. But sometimes you just...
It’s a quiet day in Scottish politics, but a very big one in Catalonia. It’s La Diada today, the Catalan national day. Over half a million people, and possibly as...
The nightmare is chapping at the door. The ultimate worst case scenario, everything that Better Together told us back in 2014 that only a No vote could protect us from...
This is a shameless plug for the new Sunday National, Scotland’s only pro-independence Sunday newspaper. The first edition of the paper is published today, Sunday 9 September. Edited by Richard...
There’s a very interesting, thoughtful, and well-considered blog article doing the rounds on social media, which posits the view that it’s possible that Scotland could become independent if the Scottish...