It's a podcast of two halves today.The news that Celtic Connections has been awarded £100,000 from the Scottish Government's Expo Fund to commission eight new pieces of work for the...
The Irish backstop is still the hot topic of Brexit debate and Lesley examines the "Let's blame Ireland" narrative which the likes of John Humphrys and Andrew Marr are punting...
There's nothing happening with Brexit but there's nothing else we can talk about. Well, Lesley and I hope to prove that wrong and we begin by......talking about Brexit. We reflect...
It's the morning after the night before and as the light at the end of the Brexit tunnel looks increasingly like the No Deal express thundering down the track we...
We make our first appearance of 2019 and it's our longest edition ever. I leave it you to decide if this is a good thing.... Lesley spent the last week...
It will come as no surprise to you that we begin with, and spend most of the podcast on, Brexit. The ECJ's ruling on the "Scottish Case" has suddenly sent...
It's been a week of touring. Lesley visiting the four corners of Scotland with her film on Norway, and Theresa May punting her Brexit deal to her "precious union". We...
We're back! Yup after a two-week break, during which time nothing politically significant at all has happened, the podcast has returned. Please read that last sentence with a note of...