It's two days until polling and we kick off with trying to work our way through yesterday's big stories around gaffes,punches, and gaming the media. However we move on to...
Lesley took a few days out in Rotterdam to recharge her batteries at a Sibelius concert. She also attended a service at the Scots Presbyterian Church. Though not a practising...
As Boris Johnson flew up to Scotland to launch the Scottish Tory manifesto has the SNP pulled off a master stroke by announcing its ground breaking, in UK terms, extension...
As the General Election campaigns pick up pace we take a,somewhat sceptical, look at how Labour's policies are being ignored,particularly on the BBC, in favour of highlighting party in fighting....
A European Arrest Warrant for Clara Ponsati,on charges of sedition, was issued by Spain just before we recorded today's podcast.We give our initial reactions to the shocking news. Lesley was...
Well chums a week was definitely a long time in politics because after yesterday's votes at Westminster we're now heading for a general election on December the 12th. We try...
This was yet another in the long list of "the most important days yet" in the Brexit saga. Both Lesley and I spent the vast majority of the day following...
While I was away sunning myself in Madeira Lesley was attending the SNP annual conference in Aberdeen where she may have mentioned setting up a new political party. Lesley gives...
After some merry badinage regarding Jo Swinson's strangled vowels and ever shifting accent, we get down to serious business. The BBC has come under fire over Wreathgate, we discuss just...
The Supreme court's unanimous decision to declare Boris Johnson's prorogation of Parliament not only unlawful but null and void takes up the majority of this week's podcast. We consider the...