The local elections are upon us and we ask how democratic Scottish local government actually is.When compared to our Nordic and European neighbours the answer is, not very. Lesley reflects...
We begin with the sexist and classist Mail on Sunday article on Angela Rayner. It's been roundly condemned right across the political spectrum. But what does it say about the...
As we recorded Boris Johnson was about to appear in Parliament before jetting off to India. He was there to "apologise", but maintain that he did not realise that his...
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | Systems of a down Subscribe RSS Feed • The Lesley Riddoch Podcast • Trailer Bonus • Broadcast by Episode Details Lesley's travel travails and what...
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | Andy Wightman Subscribe RSS Feed • The Lesley Riddoch Podcast • Trailer Bonus • Broadcast by Episode Details In this podcast extra we speak with...
The row over the much delayed, and much over budget CalMac ferries has been going on across the Scottish media all week. Lots of claims and counter claims of political...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is forcing the old certainties of neutrality and attitudes towards NATO membership across the Nordic nations to be re-examined. Lesley reflects on the recent Nordic...