BARELY ANYONE has a good word to say about the proposed European Super League, which could be the biggest shake up to “competitive” football in generations. The plans would effectively...
LIKE IT OR NOT, Alba has been the curiosity factor in an otherwise predictable election, but it’s unclear whether the impact will match the uproar. Since the Party’s (botched) launch, its...
IN FEBRUARY, the last public statue commemorating the Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco was finally brought down. Aesthetically, this was no great loss. Erected in 1978 following the fascist leader’s...
HISTORICALLY, COALITION GOVERNMENTS have been disastrous for Green Parties. In Germany’s Red-Green coalition, foreign minister and onetime leftist militant Joschka Fischer fronted a neo-imperial revival that included participation in the...
IRAQ HAS ALWAYS BEEN the bad war – so bad, in fact, that Afghanistan risks appearing good by comparison. Now, after two decades of chaos, American, NATO and British troops...
IPPR Scotland have produced a report calling on the Scottish government to reform council tax, re-evaluating house values and billing 0.75% of a home’s value. “We need to talk about...
HAVING BEEN IN POWER since 2007, the SNP is a peculiarly successful party. Historically, the last decade has been unkind to the type of centrist ideology epitomised by Nicola Sturgeon...
THE UK Government corruption scandal grows more odious by the week. In an interview with the Guardian, David King, former chief scientific adviser to Tony Blair and onetime employee in...
CONFESSION TIME: I registered a complaint about the saturation coverage of Prince Philip ruining my television viewing, even though I possess neither a television nor a TV license. So at...