THERE is a 5.2 acre vacant piece of land in Maryhill, Glasgow, known locally as The Valley. This is where the iconic TV show ‘Still Game’ was set and filmed....
THE SNP leadership’s controversial Hate Crime Bill has stumbled past its first stage of parliamentary approval. The Bill had received widespread criticism over phrases like “stirring up hatred”, with critics...
THIS will not end. Historians are famously plagued by periodisation. Who can really say when one process was set in train, and another ended? When does a fresh era open,...
THE PAST YEAR has seen dramatic changes in the way we live our lives. Our very idea of what’s important and what isn’t has been questioned by many people. Certainly...
THERE ARE ADVANCE INDICATIONS that Scotland’s drug death figures, released today, will be the worst ever. They follow a shameful last year, where Scotland overtook America as (per capita) the drug deaths capital of...
THERE are almost 700,000 unpaid carers in Scotland – that’s according to figures compiled in 2015. Today, the true number of carers is rising, and is estimated to be around...
THE HEADLINES ARE AGAIN dominated by No Deal news, but I won’t repeat my takes from last Friday. Instead, I’m highlighting a story I was forced to ignore in last...
THE TEACHER was not, by any means, a bad or ignorant person. By the standards of the 1990s, she was sensitive to the diversity of her classroom and, in my...
BORIS JOHNSON HAS NEVER been a man you can take entirely at his word. So even his warning to prepare for a No Deal Brexit must be greeted with scepticism....
“In the matter of public opinion about it , what really matters is public opinion and the public is right in their assumption…”– Angus Robertson THE EPISODES of the dystopian...