SINCE WORLD WAR II, American power has dominated our lives in every sphere: from Hollywood blockbusters to inward investment to nuclear weapons and wars in far-off lands. Their influence only...
OVER the last month there had been signs that the care home industry was concerned that the Scottish Government’s Adult Care Review, which reports at the end of January, would...
JUST MENTIONING THE ECONOMY these days brings accusations of negativity and even “talking down Scotland”. The news is bad, everyone knows it, nobody wants to hear it. To avoid confusion,...
“THE DEATH of the Republican party has been proclaimed many times before”, says Michael Billeaux. Billeaux, political sociologist at the University of Madison Wisconsin and a commentator on the US...
IT’S TEMPTING TO ignore the Scottish Labour leadership election. Here will be two career politicians with milquetoast opinions fighting for the soul of a party that long ceased to matter...
THE SNP’s LAUNCH of a new “independence taskforce” was greeted with a predictable round of predictable scolds from a predictable group of unionist leaders led by a predictable Scottish Labour...
THEORETICALLY, THERE SHOULD be an element of shock in Richard Leonard’s resignation as Scottish Labour leader, so close to a Holyrood election. But nobody seems even remotely surprised. The party...
SOME commentators are calling it ‘Hyperpolitics’ – the melding of politics, mass media and entertainment. It certainly feels like a Holywood blockbuster, with a binary of good and evil locked...
SCOTLAND’S NEWS TODAY is dominated by further lockdown restrictions. The measures may appear marginal: limitations on click and collect deliveries; firmer rules for takeaways; curbs around alcohol. But they are...