Common Weal’s Head of Policy & Research Craig Dalzell commends the Scottish Government for its step towards fully nationalised public transport and calls for a routemap for the rest of...
BORIS JOHNSON’S government has just lost one of first high-profile tussles since it came to office in December 2019. It lost not to her majesty’s opposition, but to opposition in...
TODAY’S HEADLINES ARE dominated by a leak from the inquiry into the mishandling of complaints against Alex Salmond. It even makes the front pages of most English broadsheets and tabloids,...
YESTERDAY, A POLL PURPORTED to show a sharp decline in support for Scottish independence, with a headline 57 percent favouring “remaining” in the UK. “Sturgeon’s independence dream crumbles!” crowed the Daily...
The incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law gives protection to the rights of children and young people for the first time. “There’s...
DEMOCRACY, SAYS FOREIGN SECRETARY Dominic Raab, is “in retreat”. His comments come as part of a foreign policy overhaul which sees the UK shore up its military commitments and ramp up...
IN its Integrated Review, the UK Government has announced a substantial increase in the numbers of its nuclear weapons for the Scotland-based Trident system. There are presently 195 nuclear warheads...
Parliament is debating the new Policing, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which amongst other things is looking to criminalise causing ‘serious annoyance’ to the public – making it easier to...
THERE are many good reasons to support using hydrogen to decarbonise our energy supplies, but when you look beyond the hype it’s easy to see why some are much more...
THE scandal in Glasgow Kelvin Constituency Labour Party (CLP), which saw the removal of democratically selected candidate Hollie Cameron for expressing a mainstream opinion on the constitution, signals the arrival...