IF the Scottish Government’s claims last summer of wanting to build back better meant anything, a good starting place would have been to address the unacceptable pay and conditions of...
IT’S WIDELY HELD THAT only the uneducated fall prey to conspiracy theories. In fact, as illustrated in Adam Curtis’s latest film, this mode of magical thinking has complex origins, and...
DIRECT RULE has arrived in Liverpool, with the announcement that the UK Government’s seizure of key powers in the city could last three years.London control of key economic levers include...
SOME WILL CALL IT cynical electioneering, given the timing, but the SNP’s decision to offer NHS workers a 4 percent pay rise is good thinking on many levels. We could...
THE CONSERVATIVES ATTRACT around one in five Scottish voters, yet they continue to make the central decisions over the economy and foreign policy, as they have done for the last...
MICHAEL RUSSELL, Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, Europe and External Affairs has finally published the Draft Referendum Bill (DRB) for a second referendum on Scottish independence – intended, he says, for...
A year on from the first Covid-19 lockdown in the UK, STUC (Scottish Trades Union Congress) surveyed over 3000 workers on their experiences and their hopes and fears for the...
IT wasn’t just that Nicola Sturgeon’s multifarious enemies felt she had to go. It was that the Hamilton Inquiry – which yesterday exonerated the first minister of breaking the ministerial...
SOURCE WILL BE ANALYSING the repercussions of the varying inquiry verdicts later today, and I will do my own follow up after the vote of confidence. However, this stooshie in...
JUST MONTHS AFTER Brexit proper, the European Union may be facing its biggest existential crisis since the darkest days of Eurozone austerity. As the vaccination process stalls, many countries are...