Labour will gather in Liverpool this weekend with key battles over Europe and party democracy expected to dominate headlines LABOUR will gather for its autumn conference in Liverpool this weekend...
The Scottish Government’s 2018-19 Program For Government has called for an Electoral Reform Bill. In an age of digital political campaigns, this Bill must include safeguards to prevent the abuse...
Ahead of the Electoral Reform Society Scotland’s ‘World Transformed’ event on 23 September, Alice Kinghorn Gray discusses how our political system can catch up with society’s progress “OUR over-centralised state...
In this excerpt from his contribution to the newly published OpenDemocracy collection New Thinking for the British Economy, political journalist Adam Ramsay explores the limitations of pursuing left-wing economic reform...
As an Aberdeen academic arrested by Turkish authorities is finally freed, Rhiannon Davies details the escalation of Turkey’s brutal authoritarianism “DEAREST friends and colleagues, I’m finally out and free (hopefully)......
Scottish Conservatives lambasted for abandoning their own education policy to attack Scottish Government EDUCATION campaigners have called for a vote to scrap tests for four and five year-olds to be...
Writer Alex Lockwood, who is joining the Nae Nukes Anywhere! march and rally on Saturday 22nd September, explains why he chose to write his anti-nuclear novel centred on the Faslane...
During Common Weal's new #CommonFuture campaign, the team will be taking you on their Common Weal journey. Here, Common Weal’s Operations Manager Tiffany Kane explains why she wants to keep...
Tony Perridge, CommonSpace reader from Inverness, offers his vision for a post-austerity, currency-sovereign independent Scotland to our special week of coverage on Breaking the Bankruptocracy. Email if you would...
CommonSpace looks at the Swedish origins of John McDonnell’s new proposal for an ownership fund for workers, and what we can learn from that experience LABOUR shadow Chancellor John McDonnell...