A FEW DAYS AGO, the Independent was announcing that it was “all over” for the Alba Party, after a poll put them on just 3 percent. Within hours, a fresh poll put the same...
FRIENDS, let me tell you about the Scottish Jacobite Party. Launched in Glenfinnan in 2005 to coincide with the 260th anniversary of Bonnie Prince Charlie raising his standard there, the...
US PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN has called for a “once in a generation” spending spree on the US economy, the boldness of which marks it as another benchmark in the new...
A HISTORIC DAY on the stock market yesterday, as Deliveroo, perhaps the company most synonymous with the “gig economy”, saw its share price collapse on its first day of trading....
Five years ago Scotland extended the Community Right to Buy to urban areas, and extended the funding from the Scottish Land Fund to community bodies in cities and towns. This...
Last night’s debate confirmed that Scotland’s parties will spend this election dutifully sticking to the speed limit in their own lane. Constitutional exchanges made the headlines, but that’s because journalists...
THREE WEEKS is a long time in… actually no, screw it. Three weeks is three weeks, even when perceived through the weird sense of time dilation engendered by the pandemic....
PREDICTION is a dangerous game in any form of social commentary.That danger is usually described as one of acute fallibility. With the political scene and social order so fractured and...
I SAID YESTERDAY, and I stand by it, that people are within their rights to question Alex Salmond’s suitability for parliament. That’s a separate question from his right to legally...
WHEN I SIGNED OFF last week, the Scottish election was emerging as a drab affair, short on serious drama. Even the most maladjusted trainspotters were struggling to get excited by...