Earlier this evening the Herald’s poor mad David Leask made an extraordinary and completely untrue allegation: We haven’t said a single word on the subject, so several people challenged Leask...
By Irene McEwan Yes Berwickshire recently hosted an evening with the journalist and broadcaster, Lesley Riddoch which included the showing of her Nation 2 film, Iceland: the extreme nation. It...
The former Daily Record editor and recent Yes convert Murray Foote caught a few people’s eyes on Twitter this morning with the audacious use of the phrase “decent Tories like...
War crimes have been covered up in Yemen and the UK risks complicity in “laws-of-war violations” due to its supply of bombs made in Scotland to Saudi Arabia, claims a...
We did a poll, and the people have spoken: Um, who was actually the UK government in fiscal year 2009/10, lads? The worthy runner-up is below: In fairness, at least...
Michael Russell MSP By Russell Bruce As the UK trundles along with Brexit negotiations, like a hedgehog on the prowl, but with considerably less sense of purpose, the world watches in...
Anyone who’s ever written to the BBC, or who follows this site, will already know that the Corporation’s instinctive standard response to any request for information is “Get stuffed, pleb....
We’re just going to reprint this piece every year, because only the numbers change.Today saw the publication of the 2017-18 GERS stats, which are again triggering a convulsive orgy of “BLACK HOLE!” articles across...
A council pension fund has sold its shares in an Israeli bank at the centre of a global divestment campaign. Falkirk Pension Fund (FPF) had £6m invested in Bank Hapoalim –...
So Jeremy Corbyn’s four-day crusade to win back Scotland is going swimmingly. In the rare moments when his MSPs and Lords aren’t undermining him by attacking him over Brexit and...