The enemies of the state: but which state?: It used to be the other way round, they’d support things in the North and oppose the same thing in the south...
Apologies for the radio silence of late - I'm out of the country at the moment. But you know me, I'm a slave to my responsibilities, so here (albeit a...
The main reason England is falling down the plughole with each passing day (and forcibly dragging Scotland with it, against its wishes), is because Labour have an absolute joke of...
We think it’s fair to say that our bestest friend in all of the internet, Scottish Labour activist Duncan Hothersall, is absolutely hopping mad about the latest developments in our...
Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is to question Police Scotland over its branding of anti-fracking campaigners as “domestic extremists” alongside banned terror groups such as Islamic State and Scottish Dawn,...
Chris McEleny is an SNP councillor. This is a personal opinion.Three weeks into the Salmond saga and the MSM are getting increasingly desperate. Nowhere is this more obvious than in...
The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, angrily rejected a proposal from her Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd, for £1 million to help the African National Congress (ANC) three months after Nelson Mandela...
@Col says: 19 September, 2018 at 8:07 pm: ” … Do you think that labour would somehow all of a sudden put any thought into how they spend other people’s...
A survey of the funding of every community council in Scotland has sparked claims that the bodies are being systematically undermined by a lack of support from local authorities. In...