If there’s one thing you can say for the Tories, it’s that right or wrong, they always stick to their principles. Oh, not YOU, Scotland. Category history, scottish politics, uk politics...
The Glasgow SNP councillor Mhairi Hunter today rebuked those who were pushing for alternatives to an independence referendum by pointing out that a referendum is firm SNP policy, and that...
We’re on about Day 79 of NoScottishPoliticsNewsGate (today’s big “EXCLUSIVE!” in the Herald is something we told you about last Friday, and was also an “exclusive” in yesterday’s Scottish Sun),...
Senior managers at Glasgow City Council knew for months about controversial plans to evict hundreds of asylum seekers and refugees from their homes, calling into question claims by councillors the...
Conservationists, welfare campaigners and the Scottish Greens have blasted the Scottish Government for delays in giving legal protection to wild beavers – but farmers have defended the holdup, despite fears...
There's been a lot of talk over the last few days about the increasing possibility of the ludicrously-dubbed "People's Vote" actually taking place, partly because Sam Gyimah has resigned to...
At a time of unprecedented political chaos and uncertainty, just about the only thing you can still count on is that for any given situation, senior Labour figures will issue...
@gingercw123 @WingsScotland @KennethMLK Why do Labour show a hostility 2 Scottish Nationalism it doesn't have for Irish?It's not from special historical concerns, it's becauses there's no votes for Lab in...
Twenty-five years ago Sarajevo was the epicentre of a brutal war. Every day for four years Bosnia’s capital city was hit by hundreds of shells. Among the targets were schools,...
The front page lead of today’s Scottish Daily Mail: As alert readers of this site will know, the Mail has a particular fondness for presenting statistics bereft of any context...