The delayed elections for ordinary members of of the Alba NEC will take place over the weekend, and I believe anyone who registered as a conference delegate will be able...
There was a small family emergency last night, and as a result I thought I'd forgotten to put out a reminder that today was the last chance to vote for...
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We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies....
This is just a public service announcement (although I'm sure you'll have seen this on the news) that if you want to see the giant pandas before they return to...
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First things first - I have an analysis piece on The National's website about the two new Scottish polls (one from Ipsos and one from Redfield & Wilton) - you...
Ipsos poll:Should Scotland be an independent country?Yes 54%No 46%Details and analysis to follow... Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
Heather burning on the Lammermuirs By Lorne Anton Members of YES Berwickshire attended the REVIVE Conference in Perth last week. Given the importance of this conference to the future of...
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