Farage’s emergency announcement, an emergency for whom?
Nigel Farage is the herpes of British politics, annoying, nasty, and impossible to get rid of. After saying for weeks that he wouldn’t be contesting the general election for his ...
Nigel Farage is the herpes of British politics, annoying, nasty, and impossible to get rid of. After saying for weeks that he wouldn’t be contesting the general election for his ...
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | Debates Deselections and the Donald 40 ? 30 : 10)" @keyup.document.left="seekBySeconds(-10)" @keyup.document.m="toggleMute" @keyup.document.s="toggleSpeed" @play="play(false, true)" @loadedmetadata="handleLoadedMetadata" @pause="pause(true)" preload="none" @timejump.window="seekToSeconds($event.detail.timestamp); shareTimeFormatted = formatTime($event.detail.timestamp)" > 10 40 ...