Underside of an armed Gripen in flight Oleg V. Belyakov Sweden Air Force CC BY-SA 3.0 By Russell Bruce We hear a great deal about the contributions of the US ...
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Last week's YouGov poll was the first relatively good poll for the SNP for several months, although the reporting of it was accompanied by a flat statement from John Curtice ...
This is a message for readers who are members of the Alba Party. As you may know, nominations have opened for various internal elections within the party, and I'd like ...
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | Robin McAlpine-podcast extra • The Lesley Riddoch Podcast • Trailer Bonus • Broadcast by This podcast extra features our conversation with Robin McAlpine.Robin is a ...
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There can be no doubt by now that the Labour party is in the business of peddling exactly the same right wing Anglo-British exceptionalist nationalism as the Conservatives. It’s the ...
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Girvan & South Carrick by-election result on first preferences (21st September 2023)Conservatives 47.5% (+19.7)SNP 28.1% (+3.3)Labour 18.0% (+9.2)Liberal Democrats 3.9% (n/a)Alba 2.5% (+1.4)This is technically a Tory gain from the ...
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