During an interview last week, Anas Sarwar, the branch manager of Labour’s Scottish Optional Identity Mark, told us that even though he personally opposes independence, that ““doesn’t mean you don’t ...
I see that Ipsos UK's resident identity politics zealot Mark McGeoghegan has penned an opinion piece for the Herald in which he suggests, rather uncharacteristically, that the Alba Party may ...
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | Seamas Carey- Podcast Extra • The Lesley Riddoch Podcast • Trailer Bonus • Broadcast by Seamas Carey is a Cornish artist/bloke best known for the ...
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We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
I'm probably not alone in being thoroughly confused by the reporting of Survation polls these days, but today took the problem to a new extreme. I went to the Survation ...
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We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
Before the pandemic, I would typically go to the Fringe anything between four and eight times during August. Since its return in 2021, I've just made one visit per year ...