By Russell Bruce Savanta have done a poll of SNP members. Previous polls have been of SNP voters. The number polled is quite small at 515. Interesting the poll is ...
To their credit, Savanta have already released the data tables from the first poll of SNP members in the leadership contest, and I've been having a look at them. On ...
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We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
You might remember that I calculated at the end of last week that if the Savanta poll of SNP members happened to be bang-on accurate, Kate Forbes would need exactly ...
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Shortages of fresh salad vegetables across the country are leading to empty shelves and rationing in supermarkets. We tackle why this is happening and what Scotland can do to achieve ...
The bloviating man-child Boris Johnson, has gone full Trump over the preliminary findings of the Parliamentary Privileges Committee, which has reported that there is credible evidence that the former Prime ...
The hypocrisy that has been on display on social media in recent hours from the current SNP establishment has been quite staggering. Taking on Humza Yousaf so directly and scathingly ...