The only story in town in Scottish politics is the sudden resignation of Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister. It’s bloody typical that this happens when I am trying to enjoy ...
So as you've probably seen, my plea of yesterday went unheeded (how unusual!) and the special SNP conference has been unceremoniously postponed. The jaws of many, many independence supporters are ...
The front page of the Scottish edition of The Times leads with a headline claiming that the de facto independence referendum promised to Scotland by the SNP is now "dead ...
My old...well, how can I put this, acquaintance from my days at StormfrontLite, the self-styled international thriller writer Sean Thomas, alerted me earlier to a Sun article about a new ...
Many thanks to a commenter on the previous thread for pointing out that YouGov's poll is not the only one that has newly appeared - there's also one from Survation, ...
Photo by Stephen Noble on Unsplash By Molly Pollock Nicola Sturgeon has announced her decision to leave office once her successor is in place. We are left facing a blank ...
Hopefully the great many people who spread defeatist propaganda about the Lord Ashcroft poll have learned a very important lesson today, because three new polls later the position for the ...
The informal, self-selecting polls on the SNP leadership election have so far generally shown Kate Forbes in the lead, so it's interesting that a properly conducted poll is now showing ...
I spotted on Twitter that Bella Caledonia was trying to discredit Kate Forbes by pointing out who was talking her up - ie. Fraser Nelson, Alex Salmond and Chris Deerin. ...
Survation have tonight followed in the footsteps of Savanta by publishing a Scottish voting intention poll with fieldwork conducted after Nicola Sturgeon resigned - although there don't appear to be ...