The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | Brownian Notions • The Lesley Riddoch Podcast • Trailer Bonus • Broadcast by Episode Details Gordon Brown's much trumpeted New Britain Report sees the light ...
So does Labour's much-vaunted "powers giveaway" plan actually offer any new powers to the Scottish Parliament? The answer is 'yes', but by God they're limited - and as always with ...
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As I've pointed out before, it's sensible for bloggers to limit the number of complaints they personally lodge with the press regulator. However, the "Scottish" Daily Express website has just ...
By Kirsty Hughes and Newsroom’s Molly Pollock Kirsty Hughes cogent Twitter thread on Gordon Brown’s Day in the Westminster Shadows, taken up North for the day to Leeds, makes crystal ...
The SNP Westminster group has chosen its new leader and deputy leader to replace Ian Blackford and Kirsten Oswald who have stood down as leader and deputy leader respectively. The ...
Never underestimate the importance of the battle of the narratives after a landmark event like the Supreme Court ruling. The dearth of independence polls in the immediate aftermath gave the ...
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Stephen Flynn and Mhairi Black could not have chosen a better day to kick of their new leadership of the SNP’s Westminster group. We are going to be seeing a ...