By Russell Bruce The reference to the Church of England was not surprising in Charles III address on Friday evening but the UK is a country of many faiths and ...
By Russell Bruce Well that went down well didn’t it. Few takers for Kwerteng’s mini budget which was not exactly mini in the extent of the changes he announced. The ...
Molly Pollock takes a look at another side of the what the Tory budget hands to the already wealthy So on Friday we got Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini budget with its ...
By Russell Bruce The Times has a YouGov poll that is causing consternation in Tory ranks. There is an old saying parties don’t win elections they lose them. If this ...
By Peter Rowberry and Newsroom Peter is a regular correspondent with his Member of Parliament for Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk, John Lamont, and was disappointed that he hasn’t received a ...
By Russell Bruce The Truss government it appears is busy number crunching and unlike the first disastrous cig packet overreach Truss and Kwarteng have now agreed the OBR will provide ...
By Molly Pollock To save her premership Prime Minister Liz Truss unceremoniously ditched Kwasi Kwarteng, her chancellor, having stood alongside him, shoulder to shoulder, and his economic policies. For days ...
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