UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s budget will see Scotland face crippling inflation with record taxes and spending cuts - a new austerity agenda that Labour is also signed up to. But ...
Having spent a fair bit of time recently debunking a large number of lies and intentional distortions published on Wings Over Scotland, I'll be scrupulously fair and point out that ...
The SNP leadership have promised that there will be a special party conference early next year to determine the details of the plebiscite election plan. Now, I think everyone realises, ...
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When TV news journalists on both sides of the Atlantic report on comments from Donald Trump or one of his allies about how the 2020 presidential election was rigged or ...
In the days since the historic Supreme Court ruling that Scotland has no right to an independence referendum through its own internal democratic processes, and the incomprehensible decision of the ...
As I've noted a few times over recent days, the SNP leadership have clearly decided that using a Westminster election - as opposed to a snap Holyrood election - as ...
One thing needs to be set out plainly right away. I, like I am sure the great majority of regular readers to this blog, want a vote on independence as ...
The Lesley Riddoch Podcast | What's Next? • The Lesley Riddoch Podcast • Trailer Bonus • Broadcast by Episode Details The UK Supreme Court said no to any lawful way ...
My ears pricked up a couple of nights ago when I heard there was a new YouGov poll of GB-wide voting intentions out, because YouGov appear to structure and weight ...