We begin with taking a look at the most recent edition of Question Time and reflect on just how switched on the Yessers in the audience were and wonder if ...
After the shocking events of the #Matchettgate fake poll scandal in the early part of last year, it's entirely rational for us to treat any Scotsman poll written up by ...
James Mitchell writes very fine prose, but he's an example of why academics don't make the best political strategists. If the SNP listened to him too literally, they wouldn't even ...
I'd have thought the title of this blogpost should be a statement of the obvious, but I've seen one or two prominent people suggesting on Twitter today that Alba should ...
The Guardian spends half its time complaining about the archaic, corrupt Westminster system and the other half campaigning to stop anyone from doing anything about it. The latest installment in ...
Should Scotland be an independent country? (Panelbase / Sunday Times)Yes 51% (+2)No 49% (-2)For my money unionist politicians are going to be absolutely stunned and horrified by the results of ...
We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
Ever since the First Minister made her announcement about how she plans to progress the second independence referendum which Scotland gave the Scottish Parliament a clear and unequivocal mandate for ...
I've been astonished by some of the reactions on social media to the prospect of a plebiscite election in 2024 - and when I say 'astonished', I don't just mean ...
Ever since the First Minister announced her strategy for bringing about a lawful vote on Scottish independence, the British nationalist parties have been throwing all their energies into trying to ...