The local elections are upon us and we ask how democratic Scottish local government actually is.When compared to our Nordic and European neighbours the answer is, not very. Lesley reflects ...
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As promised, and just in the nick of time, I'm using Episode 16 of the Scot Goes Popcast to explain how the notoriously complicated Single Transferable Vote (STV) system works, ...
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It’s the local elections tomorrow, and as with every election in Scotland over the past few years, it will be used as a proxy referendum on support for independence. However ...
As you may have seen, the very last day of campaigning for the local elections brought word of the first Scottish poll for just over a month, and on the ...
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A couple of people have asked me to post a transcript of my podcast from yesterday about how the voting system for today's election works, and why it's so important ...
Just a quick note to let you know that I have an analysis piece in today's edition of The National about the local election results and what they tell us ...
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