I'm really honoured to say that I've been elected as one of the eight ordinary members of the Alba Party's National Executive Committee. The successful candidates are:Female ballot: Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, ...
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It’s hardly surprising that there are reports that the UK Treasury has cancelled Boris Johnson’s grandiose scheme to construct a fixed link, either a bridge or a tunnel, between Scotland ...
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It's been all go at number 10 with Boris Johnson rearranging the chairs around the Cabinet table. What do his new appointments tell us about his direction of travel,the internal ...
A few years ago, I had a brief discussion on Twitter with the pollster Keiran Pedley (then with GfK NOP, now with Ipsos-Mori) about what I believed to be the ...
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We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
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