You might remember that during the election campaign in the spring, I was fortunate enough to interview the former First Minister Alex Salmond for the Scot Goes Popcast. Today the ...
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It’s pretty certain that the governor general of the Northern colony Alister Jack doesn’t sully his hands with manual labour, he has staff for that sort of thing. Today those ...
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We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
I said on Twitter a few days ago that I'm extremely unsure of what activities constitute too big a risk at the moment, because I have regular contact with a ...
First of all, I've changed the settings so that logging into a Google account is no longer needed to attempt to post a commment. That layer of protection began to ...
A lot of people have pointed out that Andrew Neil's lunatic rant in the Mail about the SNP-Green deal has shamed the BBC, who forever more will be known to ...
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As I mentioned in the last blogpost but one, I agreed to Paul Kavanagh's request a few weeks ago that I shouldn't post a public rebuttal of the serious allegations ...