Last week in the House of Lords the topic of debate was the long-delayed review carried out by Tory peer and former advisor to Margaret Thatcher Andrew Dunlop into the ...
Three days ago, I made a call for donations to the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser in the hope of commissioning another opinion poll later in the year - anything donated ...
On Monday Dominic Cummings confirmed something that we’ve all known for quite some time. He said that Boris Johnson is an “unthinking Unionist” who thinks that devolution has been a ...
I was rather alarmed last week that three people independently said to me that Jason Leitch and co appear to have reverted to their March 2020 position of trying to ...
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Writing in the Times newspaper, Professor of political science Matt Qvortup has warned Boris Johnson of the political dangers of taking the Scottish government to court in order to block ...
So I'd like to recommend a couple of articles to you this morning. The first is written by someone beyond these shores, about how Britain has just become the first ...
Neil Findlay was an MSP in the Scottish Parliament for 10 years until he decided not to stand again in this year’s election. A former local Councillor, teacher, housing officer ...
I don’t usually write about the fitba, seeing as how I’m missing that gene that makes watching twenty-two millionaires ruin a perfectly good lawn into a spectacle that evokes passion, ...