SINGLE POLLS SHOULD always be greeted with a dose of scepticism, particularly when they are funded by lobby groups, and, yes, even where they present laudable conclusions. Nonetheless, a new ...
After the election, the Alba support base was derided as a "Twitter bubble" - meaning something that seemed hugely strong on social media but barely existed elsewhere. That's actually not ...
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The Scottish Government has put forward a £400,000 grant to the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland for its Saving Wildcats project. “Wildcats are one of Britain’s rarest and most endangered mammals, ...
Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and one of Scotland's leading pro-independence bloggers, was today denied leave to appeal over his conviction for...well, for blogging, and his eight ...
NEWS that Scotland has bucked the trends in the UK and EU and secured a bumper year of Foriegn Direct Investment (FDI) will be music in the ears of Scottish ...
IT HAS DOMINATED a decade of Scottish politics, but the movement for independence has little to show for it save faded memories, cushy careers and bitter rivalries. The polls might ...
Broontervening is Gordon Brown’s favourite activity these days, apart from hiding in storm drains and handing out balloons to pensioners. It allows him to tell himself that he’s still politically ...
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THE RHETORIC WOULD have you believe we are undergoing a green revolution. There are certainly gestures in that direction: Joe Biden, for instance, has just suspended oil and gas leases ...