Apologies to anyone 'triggered' by that title, but hey, there's room for more than one point of view in this world.I had an epiphany earlier. As has been pointed out, ...
One of the traditions of major elections is to collate the endorsements of various newspapers (most famously, it was "The Sun Wot Won It" for the Tories in 1992). There's ...
THE FIVE YEARS between these two Holyrood elections have been among the most turbulent in modern British history. 2016 brought Brexit and three years of Corbynism, the European Research Group ...
This year, the 70th anniversary of the year of the UN Refugee Convention, refugees have been given the right to vote in the Scottish Parliamentary elections for the first time. ...
ON TUESDAY 10 May, protestors rallied in Glasgow’s George Square, along with many more mobilised around the world, to protest the latest Israeli human rights violations in occupied Palestinian territory, ...
So we're deep into the late flurry of polls that always arrive in the last 48 hours of any major election campaign - I expect there'll be more tonight, and ...
I was having a look at the YouGov website to see if I could find the datasets from the Times poll about Devo Max, which naturally Kenny "Devo or Death" ...
We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
You know, it would have been really lovely to think that all of us bloggers supporting Alba on the list would be pulling in the same direction today of all ...