IT’S BEEN A TOUGH old decade for the capitalist system. Everything about our economy appears acutely dysfunctional; rising living standards are a thing of the past; and the old Thatcherite ...
It was reported at the weekend that the Royal Family are to head a “charm offensive” in order to help head off calls for Scottish independence. If true this tells ...
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This is the first in a series of articles looking at the topics which will dominate the coming independence referendum campaign. These pieces are aimed at undecided voters and soft ...
We focus the first part of the podcast on Nicola Sturgeon's,somewhat underwhelming ,reshuffle of her Cabinet after her outstanding victory in the Scottish election. A sensible,steady as she goes,or picking ...
THE QUESTION OF child poverty in Scotland recalls (spoiler alert) the conclusion to Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. In a sense, everyone on this carriage has plunged a knife in, and ...
Alba finished in sixth place in seven of the eight electoral regions - the exception being South Scotland, where they finished seventh behind George Galloway's All for Unity. However, there ...
People using food banks are experiencing extreme poverty, with just £248 on average per month to spend, after housing costs. The Trussell Trust have released their ‘State of Hunger 2021’ ...
CONTEMPORARY SCOTTISH POLITICS may appear to be stuck in a perpetual loop – or a downward spiral. But there are glimmers of progress. Few seemed to notice, but the Scottish ...
I was just having a look at the Scottish Tories' Twitter account, and they're making a series of rather 'interesting' claims.Claim: "We stopped the SNP." Reality: Nicola Sturgeon will be re-elected ...