I've read some criticisms on Twitter that Alba supporters want Nicola Sturgeon to lose in Glasgow Southside. Well, that's certainly not the position of Alba as a party, or of ...
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IN FEBRUARY, the last public statue commemorating the Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco was finally brought down. Aesthetically, this was no great loss. Erected in 1978 following the fascist leader’s ...
Could I gently ask people to cut me some slack? I've got quite a heavy workload at the moment - I'm writing daily constituency profiles for The National, I've still ...
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In the third part of this series, we examine the manifesto of Willie Rennie’s party. All of the policies referred to in this article can be found here. What do ...
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion over my myth-busting post about the Holyrood voting system, so I'll try to explain the point in more detail. To reiterate, ...
Just a reminder that the deadline for registering to vote is tomorrow night (Monday) at midnight. So if there are any independence supporters in your life who might not have ...
There has been an Alba-bashing troll on this blog over the last few days who has made dozens of attempts to post the claim that Alex Salmond is costing us ...
US PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN has called for a “once in a generation” spending spree on the US economy, the boldness of which marks it as another benchmark in the new ...