The parties contesting the Scottish elections have started to delineate their pitch to the voters for the Holyrood elections which are now just a few weeks away. Yesterday Nicola Sturgeon ...
I'm not in any way going to defend Alex Arthur's past views on Romanians and the vaccine (I was vaccinated last week, incidentally). But the jubilation in some quarters yesterday ...
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We focus in this episode on the impact the creation of the Alba Party might have on the May Holyrood elections. The launch of the new party saw a couple of ...
PREDICTION is a dangerous game in any form of social commentary.That danger is usually described as one of acute fallibility. With the political scene and social order so fractured and ...
There have been more questions for me in the last couple of threads, although I deleted one of them because it was in a comment full of potentially defamatory allegations ...
THREE WEEKS is a long time in… actually no, screw it. Three weeks is three weeks, even when perceived through the weird sense of time dilation engendered by the pandemic. ...
Last night’s debate confirmed that Scotland’s parties will spend this election dutifully sticking to the speed limit in their own lane. Constitutional exchanges made the headlines, but that’s because journalists ...
Because I must have masochistic streak a mile wide, last night I watched what the BBC served up to us with the grandiose title of a leaders’ debate. Or rather, ...
Since I declared my support for the Alba party, I've been receiving hate mail from SNP members - in particular, repeated emails from two individuals. I've ignored them until now, ...