JOE BIDEN’S FIRST foreign policy decision, surprisingly, was a good one. Breaking the habit of a lifetime, Biden chose to end support for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal intervention in Yemen, a ...
With Rishi Sunak set to announce the 2021 budget tomorrow, people that have been excluded from financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic will be waiting to hear whether they can ...
Chris McEleny, who has been seeking a place on the SNP's regional list for the West of Scotland, has published the questionnaire he was required to fill out when putting ...
I've been having a look at the draft SNP manifesto that's been leaked to Wings (although 'leaked' may be stretching the point if it's been circulated to branches) and I'm ...
So now that the fog has cleared a bit, let's recap on what we know about the stunt that Scotland on Sunday and its self-styled "award-winning reporter" Conor Matchett attempted ...
The Conservatives and their British nationalist allies have been all over the Salmond-Sturgeon affair like an over-excited dug enthusiastically humping a leg. Today in the Scotsman we have the arch-Brextremist ...
POLLS CAN DECEIVE. Polls for an election four years away, doubly so. Nonetheless, with all caveats, the Times/YouGov poll over the weekend deserves attention, if not for its headline grabber, a ...
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It seems that the anti-independence media is desperate for two things. Firstly after long run of some two dozen opinion polls showing majority support for independence, it’s desperate for an ...