By Molly Pollock Well, it’s been quite a week. Against all lockdown advice Boris Johnson decided he knew best and flew in to Glasgow airport to lecture the Scots on ...
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A CRUSADING – and crowd-funded – public accountability group, the Good Law Project, proved in the English high court last week (19 February) that the UK Government had breached rules ...
If the leadership announced at 9am tomorrow that they were reintroducing capital punishment and dropping their opposition to Trident, by 6pm they'd be tweeting without any sense of irony: "Eyes ...
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The documentation about the botched investigation into him that Alex Salmond wanted to be put in the public domain has now been released, Alex believes that it proves there was ...
SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, a report by the LSE’s Centre for Economic Performance appeared to pour cold water on the prospects for Scottish autonomy. The headline figure suggested the mixture of ...
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In a few days' time, the Scottish Currency Group will host a virtual conference called 'Moving Beyond the Sustainable Growth Commission'. To set the scene for that, I was joined ...