Pete Wishart has blocked me but he thinks it funny to make a crack about my pinned tweet. For the record the words of the tweet are very personal to ...
I HAVE WRITTEN regularly about the impact of covid-19 on domestic inequalities. I have also noted the contrast between the UK and the EU. But the wider international impacts are ...
The light was bouncing off Liam Fox’s big, shiny bronze neck as he laid into Scottish democracy. “Yesterday the former first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, accused the Scottish Government ...
One reason I started the Poll of Polls on this blog in 2013 was to counter hysterical reporting of individual polls that were better than usual for No, and to ...
"Bombshell poll" screamed the traditionally Labour-supporting Sunday Mail, and I just knew that had to mean they were gloating that the run of twenty-two consecutive Yes majorities had come to ...
We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
I was genuinely conflicted about the Scottish Labour leadership election. To drum up support for Anas Sarwar, social media's top international socialist Dunc "don't call me Dunc" Hothersall tried to ...
On the eve of the announcement of Scottish Labour’s latest leader, Jim Monaghan looks at where the party are now and where they might be going. With less than 3 ...
Hi everyone, I’m really sorry but I’m not going to be able to get the blog done today and maybe tomorrow. Just after sitting down to start a piece this ...