The new grassroots campaign for Scottish independence
Now Scotland evolved out of two of mass online events held in November 2020 organised by members of the All Under One Banner team on the future of independence campaigning. Over 1200 people attended and were in support of establishing a mass membership organisation to resource campaigning and take forward ideas on campaigning during Covid-19 lockdown and beyond. A call for volunteers resulted in a fifteen-strong interim committee being elected by participants to set up the new organisation.
A mass-membership organisation is needed to provide a democratic forum for the indy movement and to unite the Scottish people.
Since 2014 the active independence movement has expanded by hundreds of thousands and overflowed the boundaries of the existing pro-independence political parties. Now Scotland is a unique forum that allows every supporter of independence an equal voice in determining the common direction of the movement.
For the first time in modern history a consistent majority of the Scottish electorate now say they want to re-establish Scottish independence. This is a momentous turning point. Now Scotland provides a means for the rising Scottish nation to act together in a non-partisan way. We are open to everyone – party members, but also those who associate with no particular political party. We do not claim exclusivity, but we aim to provide a national umbrella organisation for all those active in the struggle for Scottish emancipation.