The leader of the UK Labour Party caused a bit of a stushie yesterday in Scotland with his comments on the Marr show and in the print media, his comments ...
THE TRIALS of one Annemarie Plas have indicated a wider change in public mood.On Thursday (7 January), she distanced herself from ‘Clap for Heroes’, the sequel to her widely acclaimed, ...
SOURCE WILL FEATURE ANALYSIS of the Scottish budget throughout the day, as public spending dominates the headlines. I am thus focusing on just one controversy arising from the budget: public ...
“HE who feeds you also imposes his will… He who does not feed you can demand nothing of you.” So said Thomas Sankara, the revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso, at ...
Just a quick note to let you know I was interviewed earlier this evening by Dr Mark McNaught on Independence Live. Topics included opinion polls, media attitudes to independence, and ...
Herring photograph by Zeshalyn Capino on Unsplash By Russell Bruce No fish and dead fish After four and and half years of political posturing and ignoring economic consequences the UK ...
IN A TIME LIKE OURS, the most basic facts are the most radical and bear repetition: we are in our major, global economic crisis in a dozen years. According to ...
We use cookies on our website that help us remember your preferences and provide the best multi-media service we possibly can. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to allow all cookies. ...
WHAT DOES BORIS JOHNSON think he’s doing in Scotland? In theory, the answer should be simple: the Scottish Conservatives are struggling, and twenty polls in a row have shown a ...
So just to tie up some loose ends from the weekend - the Panelbase datasets have been published, and contrary to some previous suggestions it turns out that the standard ...