As I mentioned in the preview video earlier, I was planning to put out both the Holyrood and Westminster voting intention numbers from our new poll today. However, I later ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
SOME commentators are calling it ‘Hyperpolitics’ – the melding of politics, mass media and entertainment. It certainly feels like a Holywood blockbuster, with a binary of good and evil locked ...
In one sense, Richard Leonard's departure as Scottish Labour leader is an unalloyed Bad Thing, because it proves once again that he's been leading a branch office rather than an ...
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THERE IS A RUMBLING debate about the timing of a proposed Scottish independence referendum, highlighted by remarks from Labour’s Keir Starmer and the SNP’s John Swinney. Polls show support for ...
A comedy of errors By Russell Bruce With apologies to Oliver Hardy for borrowing his catch phrase used in 17 films between 1931 and 1951. Hardy was born in Georgia ...