Apologies to everyone for switching pre-moderation on, then off, then back on again. I'm afraid this Hokey Cokey routine may be the pattern of things to come, because I'm simply ...
In the current mess which is public policy debate in Scotland, it feels like nothing sticks. Big issues arrive, get covered and then disappear the next day, treated like curiosities. ...
The conclusions of a much-awaited report into discharges of patients from hospitals to care homes should be treated with care. It shows that the risk of a care home outbreak is more ...
In an attempt to tackle Scotland’s throwaway society, the Scottish Government has launched a public consultation on introducing restrictions on single use plastics. “The impact of plastic pollution is everywhere ...
It seems a very long time ago now that the Labour leadership contest was underway and Paul Mason was describing Sir Keir Starmer, seemingly with a straight face, as one ...
WE LIVE in the age of the political witch-hunt. A destructive, wild-eyed paranoia is widespread, not just on the social media fringes, but in professional political life. Witness the campaign ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
It would be foolishness to assume a Joe Biden victory in the 3 November US Presidential election. Both the 2016 upset, and the eccentricities of the US electoral college system ...
A new IPPR Scotland report published today, ‘Weathering the Winter Storm‘, paints a bleak picture of the financial hit people have taken from the pandemic crisis. Almost half of all ...
Last week, North Edinburgh Arts opened up a new ‘Pennywell Pantry’. For a weekly membership of £3.50, members of the Pantry will be able to choose a selection of food with ...