‘A fish rots from its head’ is an old Chinese proverb that I like. When any system begins to fail, look to the top to figure out why. The international ...
Two attempts to extend peat extraction in Scotland have either been withdrawn or rejected by planning authorities since they were revealed by The Ferret.The applications by fertiliser multinational ICL sought ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
Free Our City is a campaign being launched by Get Glasgow Moving calling for public transport to be made free to use. “This radical policy is a necessary one: to ...
When is nationalism not nationalism? When it’s British of course. Stick a union flag on your nationalist tub thumping and as if by magic – watch, and the nationalism has ...
THE INTERNAL MARKET BILL only exposes what has always been the UK’s constitutional position; the difference is that the pragmatic accommodation to strong pressures for change which has often typified ...
Equality Nation put this twitter thread together which we think should be more than fast passing twitter commentary. Tanja Bueltmann is an academic who describes herself as German affinity Scot ...
This is a different kind of blog post. It’s my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary today. Martha and Tommy Mosson got married on this day in St Maria Goretti’s church in ...
WHAT DOES TODAY’S Covid announcement for Scotland really mean? In the broadest brushstrokes, we have returned to a de facto ‘Four Nations’ strategy, which means that the Covid trajectories of ...
The UK Government wants powers to oversee the way goods and services are traded within the UK after the Brexit transition period ends.The Internal Market Bill passed the first hurdle ...