It’s always instructive to pay close attention to what your opponents are saying. There’s a very interesting article in the Herald today, written by Andy Maciver. He is currently the ...
Another year, another banking scandal. They’re like clock-work these days. This time, it’s the FinCEN files: a leak of 2,657 documents from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau ...
AMIDST the ongoing crisis in Scotland’s care homes, from the failure to prepare for a second wave of Covid-19 to the widespread denial of residents’ human rights, last week nine ...
WITH the planet already having warmed one degree and little time left to turn the reassuring words of world best targets into the hard actions required to actually reduce C02e ...
Has anyone seen the performance artiste whose stage name is Boris Johnson? He’s been missing in action again, except to complain to his friends – and amazingly he has some ...
Scottish Labour have proposed a ‘right to food’ bill, that was out to community consultation until last week. With Scotland facing increasing levels of food poverty, could this be what ...
“We’re taking one step forward, five steps back,” Devi Sridhar, professor of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh and on the Scottish Government’s covid-19 advisory group, wrote yesterday, in ...
Today it’s the sixth anniversary of the independence referendum of 2014. We all know what happened on that day, how hopes were dashed and dreams evaporated, but six years later ...
In April, during the lockdown, the European Parliament closed its doors and one of its buildings in Brussels welcomed a group of women (homeless, migrants, but also victims of gender-based ...
IF the BBC has any great skill, it is for pleasing no one. This enduring talent was confirmed once again by the week’s worth of febrile controversy that followed its ...