One hundred and ten workers at a food processing plant in Coupar Angus have now tested positive for Covid-19. Infections at sister plants in its supply chain are also being ...
Aug 25, 2020Mercy Baguma was a refugee seeking asylum in Glasgow who had no recourse to public funds. She was utterly reliant on support from friends and charities. Mercy was ...
THERE IS a hopeful, optimistic part of my nature and there is a doom-mongering, whiney part. Believe it or not, I do fight hard against the latter. Common Weal has ...
Political funerals most often pass unremarked, and that’s exactly the case with the Labour party in Scotland. There will be no mourning, no eulogy, and few will miss them. But ...
Part time Prime Minister and full time skiver Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has cut short his break in Scotland after his location was discovered. It was touted in advance ...
The Labour party has warned that it expects the impact of Covid-19 economic impact to deepen regional inequalities across the UK. The UK already has among the widest regional disparities ...
As I mentioned yesterday, the ComRes poll showed the SNP doing a little less well on Holyrood voting intentions than in recent polls from Panelbase and YouGov - albeit still ...
THE BEAVER agreed to the interview on condition of anonymity. “I am rather well-known in my own circles,” he admits, “and I believe my opinions are largely reflective of the ...
ROUSED to action by polling showing majority support for Scottish independence, BBC interviewer-in-chief and Spectator business group chairman Andrew Neil waded in to the debate over the post-indy economic prospectus ...
NHS workers across the country have been out protesting their exclusion from a recently announced pay rise for public sector workers. Those left out of the deal include nurses, junior ...