Tomorrow, it will be exactly 67 years since the coup in Iran which overthrew Iranian prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh. It has long been known that the UK’s MI6 and the ...
Usually on Source Direct we give focused news analysis on one main item, but there are so many things going on in Scottish politics right now we are going to ...
Scottish parents face rising school milk costs following the Brexit vote because of a loss of EU subsidies, The Ferret has learned. In recent years, school milk subsidies, said to ...
Last night the BBC decided to regale the nation with a documentary entitled The Trial of Alex Salmond, or more accurately The Media Trial of Alex Salmond and We’ve Found ...
The Scottish Government’s response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery is a pathetic attempt to validate regressive, right-wing policies and spin their way out of a crisis. Back in ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
MANY have commented that the pandemic, and its wider impact on Scotland and the world’s economy and society, has sharpened focus on the climate emergency. What once might only have ...
A series of investigations by The Ferret have sparked calls for the Scottish Government to publish data on Scottish property ownership for free. Campaign groups and politicians have renewed calls ...
PICKING what to write about this week isn’t easy – I could happily unpack what I think is going on with Cherrymandering, the SQA debacle, the return of lockdown in ...
THROUGHOUT the Covid-19 pandemic, notice has been made time and again that the crisis was stretching the bonds of the post-devolution British state.Devolved policy areas eventually meant divergence in responses ...