With the Programme for Government due tomorrow in Scotland, it’s a good time to take a look at the state of politics. A poll over the weekend showed Labour are ...
The leaderette of the Tory branch office in Scotland and the living embodiment of the truth of the principle of nominative determination, DRoss, has promised us this weekend that he’ll ...
Living Rent members are petitioning to strip cleaning giant ISS of its contract with Edinburgh City Council after low-rise flats are not cleaned for the duration of the lockdown. Tenants ...
They’re at it again. Not content with attacking the foundations of the devolution settlement, the latest Conservative wheeze for winning the hearts and minds of the people of Scotland is ...
Nine out of ten of Scotland’s shooting properties, including some owned by billionaires, are exempt from paying £10.5 million in annual business rates, according to new research.The Scottish Parliament Information Centre ...
It’s been a strange week in the crazy world of British nationalism. It was GERSmas, but for the most part Scotland just went “meh”. The days when we all collectively ...
The rain is bouncing off the pavements and wind blusters down the off-the-beaten track Glasgow street. But inside the sleek foyer of this city centre hotel, all is calm.There’s the ...
WHILE I can’t abide the cruelty involved, there is a moment hunters describe when their prey realises there is no escape, no more hope. Its fear, panic and anger dissolves ...
IN 1968, Joseph Bachmann shot and gravely injured radical student leader Rudi Dutschke in Berlin. For decades afterward, Bachmann was described as an ‘anti-Communist’, the useful Cold War moniker he ...
It’s GERSmas day, when all across the land British nationalists wake up with glee to see just how poor Scotland is this year, and celebrate by exchanging pretty multicoloured graphs ...