A new study has found a record-breaking heatwave in Siberia was made 600 times more likely by man-made climate change. Temperatures in the far north of Russia were more than ...
CAMPAIGNERS did not rest long after the latest setback for demands for a regulated rent system last week, when the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government Committee threw out a Bill by ...
BORIS JOHNSON worked hard to link Brexit to the end of austerity, and a brave new life of British economic expansion. The new ‘roaring twenties’ (a phrase actually deployed by ...
On the day that yet another breakaway pro-indy party is launched, I'm becoming more and more concerned that the "tactical voting on the list" lobby are displaying cult-like tendencies. There's ...
A global financial company based in Edinburgh has £12m invested in an oil firm accused of endangering the existence of Indigenous groups in the Peruvian Amazon who are in lockdown ...
A FEW MONTHS before its defeat in the 2010 General Election, the last UK Labour Government published a white paper called ‘Building a National Care Service’. Eleven years after it ...
AS SCOTLAND slides into the territory of solid and sustained majority support for independence, relations between the Scottish and UK Governments are becoming ever more frosty. Tensions are increasing and ...
There appears to be a misconception circulating in certain quarters that I am advocating that the Scottish Government keeps on asking for a Section 30 order, and then magically at ...
Cover of Slaves in the Family by Edward Ball By Russell Bruce Learning to accept that Scotland had a role in the slave trade has been a positive outcome of ...
Dave Thompson, a former SNP MSP and 55 year veteran of the party, who is now setting up a list vote coalition in defiance of it in the 2021 elections, ...