In this week’s dugcast I am joined online by the SNP councillor and Black Lives Matter activist Graham Campbell. You may remember Graham from the documentary he wrote and presented ...
THE LATEST PIVOT in the escalation of tensions between the US and its allies, including the UK, has been over the treatment of the Uighur people in the northwestern Xinjiang ...
Most lobbying of Scottish ministers has been carried out by big businesses and farmers, according to an analysis of Holyrood’s lobbying register by The Ferret. Ten of the top 14 ...
Ideological vandalism By Equality Nation and Russell Bruce The proposed UK Govt Internal Market Bill will create a “level playing field” across the UK for trade negotiations with the EU ...
In a landmark building just a stroll away from Glasgow Central Station, all offices are listed on a board in the entrance hall – except for one, which is on ...
“THIS CRISIS has highlighted the special bond that holds our country together. Millions of people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, have been protected by the UK Government’s intervention, and ...
YouGov today published results of a full-scale Scottish poll, but it only contained favourability ratings for various leading politicians. It would be odd to conduct a poll of that sort ...
Suddenly everyone’s talking about Brexit and ‘power-grabs’ again. It’s 25 months yesterday since SNP MPs staged a walk-out from the House of Commons over the “power-grab” of the EU Withdrawal ...
Sunday’s Spanish regional elections in the Basque Autonomous Community and Galicia did not produce a surprise in terms of the victors, but it did show that the trend of rising ...
In a democracy, 54% is very much "there". Not only has the plane touched down, we've got through customs, taken a taxi home, and unpacked our suitcases. Whether we can ...